Well... I don't... its the lack of money that I hate really f****g detest! This month has been a struggle, we've had to borrow from numerous friends and family members, which really annoys me. I really dislike being in debt with people. Me and Mr.A really need to get to grips with our finances, I just don't know what's coming in and going out. We are definitely spending more than we earn, I know that for sure.
I wish...
People assume that because my husbands in the Army and I don't work that we are loaded, I wish! Mr.A is on a rubbish wage, my sisters boyfriend (who cleans portable toilets) earns more than my husband! Because I don't work certain members of Mr.A's family think I am rolling in benefits, I'm NOT. We hardly get anything. Once the bills have been paid and the food shopping's been done we are hardly left with anything. They forget that children grow very fast and feeding 3 children, myself, two dogs and a husband (with a very large appetite) costs quite a bit! Yes I've had nice things like my Christian Louboutins but they were bought when Mr.A had come into a bit of money. We wanted to save this money to go towards getting a mortgage but there were so many things that needed paying off we just though it would be better to clear our debts and start 2012 fresh.
Our money situation isn't helped by the fact I am an obsessive shopper. Whether its for myself or the kids I like love spending money, not huge chunks of it but little bits here and there, like make up, jewellery and the odd item of clothing. All those little bits add up though, I know this. I think its time me and Mr.A sat down and went through our finances properly. We need to sort ourselves out, pronto!
I have made a promise not to spend any more money unless it is really necessary, so that means I will have less make up reviews and new purchases to blog about for now :-(
All I have to say on this matter is...