Wednesday 5 October 2011


Today I enquired about becoming a foster carer. I have thought about becoming one for the past year but never taken it any further. Last night, i decided to read the Town Crier (a free booklet posted through the door about our town) I came across an article about fostering and the need for more foster parents, so decided to contact them. A lady rang me to take down a few details and has sent me an information pack in the post. My family will probably think im mad been as i have 3 children of my own, but why not become a foster parent eh? I'm home all day so have the time for a child, i have my own children so i have experience, id class myself as a good mum, stern but fair. We have a close loving family and i fully believe we could offer a child a loving, stable home :) I'm a little worried they might reject my application though as i suffer with depression. I really hope they don't, I'd be gutted. Personally i don't believe that my depression would effect the fostered child, my mothering skills and love for children are the same no matter what. I believe that becoming a foster parent would not only help the child, but myself aswell. Children give you a purpose, you are their provider, without you they wouldnt survive. My children are my purpose in life, they make life worthwhile. There is no feeling in the world that can compare to watching your child learn and grow. When things get hard or i'm feeling low its guaranteed my kids will make me feel better. I'm truly blessed to be a mommy :)
Theres lots of children out there with broken families, abusive pasts and troubled backgrounds that need fostering and id love nothing more to be able to take them in and give them what every child needs and deserves... a loving stable family home to learn, laugh an grow in.

*A house is made with bricks and beams, a home is made with love and dreams*

Holli x

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